Mr. Jennings --
Thank you for your question. The subject of food allergies and the dangers they pose, especially to school children, is an important issue.
To my knowledge, there is not a template for an emergency plan for children with life-threatening food allergies. The emergency plans that are utilized statewide are more likely to affect large population segments simultaneously (ie: hurricane, tornado, terrorist incident), opposed to affecting an individual.
I recommend that you address the issue on an individual school district level, or seek legislative assistance. It seems reasonable that a school, being made aware of a life-threatening allergy, would be responsive to its role. The district school board could also be approached to develop a district-wide policy. As each district may have unique staffing situations, it seems that the more local approach would result in a plan that is more workable in that district or school. Legislative assistance might be the route to take if the local school district is unwilling (or unable) to develop a policy and plan that is satisfactory to parents or guardians, the student, and to school personnel.
Gary L. Laing
Community Relations Officer
Delaware Emergency Management Agency
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:57:58 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
To: DEMA, Ops2 (DEMA)
Subject: DEMA Website Contact from Brandon Jennings regarding Unspecified
Subject of Website Request:
I was looking for a template for an emergency plan for students with Life Threatening Food Allergies. These are severe allergies where the student requires an EPI pen at school. The plan in question would incorporate what Students, parents and school responsibilities and protocols. The FAAN organization has examples of these plans.
Do you feel that topic should be added to the types of emergenies and have its own document
please advise on your thoughts and have a nice dau.