Just want to share old emails about our allergy Journey.
This was from kindergarten, I got a call from the nurse about her allergy.
Spoke to the nurse and followed up with the teacher via email.
I wrote:
Thanks for sending Baili down to the nurse
Just following up the nurse's call
I will have a talk with Baili later on.(her responsibility of avoiding snacks)
I just wanted to understand the details around the snack:
it was a party and everyone recieved one
a parent unknowingly handed her one
she took one
I wanted to know so I can help ensure the risk of this happening in the future is low.
Although she did not have a reaction, it does not mean she is not allergic, the package as it was read to me was that the snack was in a facility that processes nuts, so the company
is making it known that a raction can occur, to minimize their liability...
Please advise when you get a moment
- Thanks again
Teacher wrote:
The class was watching a movie for indoor recess and several children did a great job the entire time, Baili being one of them. I pulled out gummy candies and called only about 5 kids up to get a treat for good behavior. Not until several minutes later did I realize that I gave BAILI 2 gummy candies! It was an honest mistake and I made sure to walk her right to the nurse myself. I do apologize and feel badly that I absent mindedly gave her that.
So sorry!