No because Senator Hall-Long champions a lot of these type bills.
Thank you,
Jane E. Williams
Assistant to the Majority Leader
David B. McBride
Majority Caucus-DE State Senate
Wilmington Office (302) 577-8468
Dover Senate Office (302) 744 - 4054
Fax: (302) 739 -7770 Dover
From: Brandon.Jennings To: Williams, Jane E (LegHall) Subject: RE: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware
Great, I saw your reply from Linda and wasn’t sure if Senator-Hall’s work was off the table.
Thanks again.
From: Williams, Jane E (LegHall) Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 1:42 PM To: JENNINGS, BRANDON A. Subject: RE: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware
I have been working Senator Hall-Long on this for a while now. I wanted you to know I have not forgotten you Brandon.
Jane E. William
From: Brandon.Jenning Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 1:32 PM To: Williams, Jane E (LegHall) Subject: RE: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware
Thankyou for the quick follow up
From: Williams, Jane E (LegHall) [ Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 1:30 PM To: JENNINGS, BRANDON A. Subject: RE: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware
We are in session let me get an answer to your questions and get back to you.
Jane E. Williams
Assistant to the Majority Leader
David B. McBride
From: Brandon.Jennings Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 1:15 PM To: Williams, Jane E (LegHall) Subject: RE: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware
Thanks for the reply. I spoke to Linda last year January and June(see at the bottom for the string of emails).
In response to the note below:
“This is her findings: I have reviewed the Massachusetts statute and current practice in Delaware schools. The first thing I noted is that Massachusetts law sets a standard for all eating establishments, not just schools. If passed, the impact to schools would be in educating school nutrition staff on the requirement and ensuring funding for the cost of creating signage that would display food content. School nutrition services already have information on food content. “
· I understand that all eating establishments is impacted(under direction of Dept. of Public Health).
· Educating and raising awareness is a key to allergy prevention –I feel this will be a big improvement
· If signage is already in place then no need.
“Relative to allergies in the schools - Currently in Delaware public schools, all school nurse work with the family’s and School Nutrition staff (cafeteria) if a child has a known food allergy. The school’s action is dependent upon the individual child’s needs. For example, if the child receives a free or reduced meal, the school is required to provide food that is equitable in nutritional value to substitute for the food allergen. If the child is younger or highly susceptible to an allergic response, something like a “peanut-free table” in the cafeteria may be established. This approach allows us to meet the unique needs of each child in consultation with the family and their healthcare provider. “
As for Delaware, our discussion is a result of a school not being proactive in working to develop plan (Are Charter schools included in your comment?)
I agree It is individualized and in my case who has a child with a Life threatening food allergy – there is more reason for the school to be aware. That’s why I tried to be proactive and support the school.
In my research I found that the Appoquinimink school district has a school wide allergy plan
In summary – what would I like to see/know:
A)All schools in Delaware have a school-wide plan for allergies – here is one from Appoquinimink.
B) Similar statute to Massachusetts in regards to eating establishments – Here is an article – they laid the groundwork- can we follow?
C) Is Delaware going to pursue any of these?
D) You mentioned Sen. Hall passed a Bill – was it found and was it relative?
Hopefully this makes sense
Thanks again.
From: Williams, Jane E (LegHall) To: JENNINGS, BRANDON A. Subject: RE: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware
Good Afternoon Brandon,
I have had researched on the life threatening Allergies in Delaware and I would like to share what DOE has found. Her name is Linda Wolfe from DOE, Linda is Director of support services for DOE.
This is her findings: I have reviewed the Massachusetts statute and current practice in Delaware schools. The first thing I noted is that Massachusetts law sets a standard for all eating establishments, not just schools. If passed, the impact to schools would be in educating school nutrition staff on the requirement and ensuring funding for the cost of creating signage that would display food content. School nutrition services already have information on food content.
Relative to allergies in the schools - Currently in Delaware public schools, all school nurse work with the family’s and School Nutrition staff (cafeteria) if a child has a known food allergy. The school’s action is dependent upon the individual child’s needs. For example, if the child receives a free or reduced meal, the school is required to provide food that is equitable in nutritional value to substitute for the food allergen. If the child is younger or highly susceptible to an allergic response, something like a “peanut-free table” in the cafeteria may be established. This approach allows us to meet the unique needs of each child in consultation with the family and their healthcare provider.
Please let me know if I can help further. If you have time tomorrow please call me at work.
Thank you,
Jane E. Williams
Assistant to the Majority Leader
David B. McBride
From: Brandon Jennings Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 3:44 PM To: Williams, Jane E (LegHall) Subject: RE: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware
Jane, Thanks for the update, I truly appreciate it. It's great to hear that there was a bill passed and I look forward to what comes out of the research that is takin place. Have a nice day. Brandon
Brandon Jennings/
04/11/2013 03:21 PM
RE: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware
Brandon, I have Senator Bethany Hall Long and the Department of DOE looking into this issue. She asked that I give her until next week to get back to me she is having her office do some research on this subject. Senator Hall Long says she passed a bill on this subject, but we are still seeing if her bill is broad enough for what is needed. I just wanted to let you know this is active and we are working on it on three different department levels. Jane E. Williams Assistant to the Majority Leader David B. McBride From: Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 12:13 PM To: Williams, Jane E (LegHall) Subject: RE: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware Thank you, if I can help in anyway - let me know ( I can approach Massachusetts again for any questions that you/your team may have, I can research questions as well...) Brandon
Brandon Jennings/
04/10/2013 12:06 PM
RE: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware
I have read part of them and will continue reading thank Brandon for your patience with me. Jane E. Williams Assistant to the Majority Leader David B. McBride Majority Caucus-DE State Senate From: Brandon Jennings [ To: Williams, Jane E (LegHall) Subject: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware Jane, I truly appreciate the continued support and recent actions that have been taken. Keep in mind that the State of Massachusetts has laws and regulations on the books for this and that we have contacts there that are willing to help us. Thanks again and have a nice day. Brandon
From: Brandon, Senator Bethany Hall Long is a Nursing Professor during the day for the Nursing Program at U of D. I have requested for her to tell me if any previous legislation that she may be aware of. If she finds none she will help us draft something or at least give us her professional opinion. I could not find this type of legislation before when I looked it up. I promise you, you will not have to wait three months to get an answer. The fault lies with me on hitting a roadblock when I would look up legislation or what can be written, I will work with Bethany and Senator McBride to draft soon if she cannot find any previous legislation. I have also asked for the involvement of DOE in this request. Assistant to the Majority Leader David B. McBride Majority Caucus-DE State Senate From: Brandon Jennings Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 9:45 AM To: Williams, Jane E (LegHall) Subject: RE: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware Jane, It is concerning that this email sounds like I am back to square one. Is your response based on input from Susan Clinton, since she was the requestor of all the information I received from Massachusetts? Because the approach Massachusetts took was from the side of public health....all that information and key contact was passed along. I don't mind working on this, but thought it was being worked on. I assume following up in 3 months increments is too long. Since I am new at this how often is recommended to not be a pest. Once again we have kids dying of food allergies annually and all I hope you see that I"m trying to be proactive and not reactive. I also thought that leveraging what another state has already done seems to be an easy thing, considering they already did the research and have documented plans...., but like the saying goes "easier said than done".
Please advise on a contact in the Senate I should start with.
Please advise on a contact with Public health I should start with.
Please advise on Susan's role and if she have directed you in your response - I thought she was working on the Public health approach or any approach with the information I sent.
You indicated you have allergies and gave the example of pollen and wanted to clear up that the allergies I am referring to is "Life threatening" food allergies, not the general seasonal allergies. When you get a moment please reply Thanks again for your patience. Brandon, I have been unable to get anywhere with this request. Agree that it is a huge problem in every state as I suffer with horrible allergies myself. But I believe this has to start with a lot of research done by Department of Public Health for all in Delaware. The Senate would be more than happy to work with public health and you but the request has to come from you first to see if they would draft legislation to present to the Senator. As long as there are trees, grass, pollen, the environment we will never eradicate allergies. And this year is rumored to be one of the worse years. Thank you for your email and concern. If questions please call me. Jane E. Williams Assistant to the Majority Leader From: Brandon Jennings Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 7:24 AM To: Clinton, Susan (LegHall) Cc: Williams, Jane E (LegHall) Subject: Life Threatening Allergies in Delaware Susan, Hope all is well, I just wanted to follow up on the status of the efforts on allergy prevention. When you get a moment, please advise. Thanks and have a nice day, Brandon
Brandon Jennings
10/18/2012 10:57 AM
Fw: Inquiry on Mass DOE policy/law for life threatening allergies - help requested in Delaware
Hello The Massachusetts group is very supportive, here is a link from their legal department - I hope we can make some progress... and am willing to help in anyway thanks Brandon ----- Forwarded by Brandon Jennings/ on 10/18/2012 10:44 AM -----
10/18/2012 09:51 AM
RE: Inquiry on Mass DOE policy/law for life threatening allergies - help requested in Delaware
Hello Brandon, I know you have already received links to many documents regarding the allergen regulations in Massachusetts. One more piece: You can find the state law that authorized those regulations at this link: Sincerely, Massachusetts Department of Public Health 250 Washington St. Boston, MA 02108 Website: Blog: From: Condon, Suzanne (DPH) Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 4:35 PM To: Brandon Jennings; Moore, Michael (DPH) Cc: Fox, Priscilla (DPH) Subject: RE: Inquiry on Mass DOE policy/law for life threatening allergies - help requested in Delaware Sorry Brandon-Mike may have missed this one but I am copying our attorney who worked on this law’s implementation. Priscilla see Brandon’s original note-can you send him some of the information for us? Thanks Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:07 PM To: Moore, Michael (DPH) Cc: Condon, Suzanne (DPH) Subject: Fw: Inquiry on Mass DOE policy/law for life threatening allergies - help requested in Delaware Hello Hope all is well - Please advise if you can help or if you have another contact thanks all Brandon ----- Forwarded by Brandon Jennings/A on 10/17/2012 03:05 PM -----
Brandon Jennings/
09/17/2012 01:07 PM
Fw: Inquiry on Mass DOE policy/law for life threatening allergies - help requested in Delaware
Hello hope all is well per the email below Do you have the "law" or appropriate documentation that I can present to the lawyers so they can review for Delaware please advise, when you get a moment thanks Brandon ----- Forwarded by Brandon Jenningon 09/17/2012 01:05 PM -----
Brandon Jennings/
08/31/2012 07:40 AM
RE: Inquiry on Mass DOE policy/law for life threatening allergies - help requested in Delaware
Hello Brandon-the regulations attached are the ones specific to our allergen law but there is much more information about the law and what has been done. I am copying our Food Protection Program Director who can point you to our Q and A and other related information. On our website ( you should find our training video for food establishment workers too. Good luck.
From: Brandon Jennings [mailto:Brandon.Jennin Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 4:21 PM To: Condon Subject: Inquiry on Mass DOE policy/law for life threatening allergies - help requested in Delaware Hello Looking for your help in adding a law in Delaware, similar to what you all have for Massachusetts . Some background: Earlier this year I communicated with Linda in regards to the email below and made some progress here in Delaware.(She was very helpful) Senator McBride has interest in this topic and his secretary said my next step was to send her the Massachusetts law to her so that the lawyers can review it. - I searched the Massachusetts website ( keyword "allergen" and found this document, but not sure if this is what the lawyers would need. - I am simply trying to make Delaware allergy safe as you all are. When you get a moment - please advise on if this is a good route, if you have the law document/link I share.... anything that I can continue to make progress thanks Brandon - ----- Forwarded by Brandon Jennings/t on 08/30/2012 03:55 PM -----
Brandon Jennings/A
01/05/2012 09:42 PM
Inquiry on Mass DOE policy/law for life threatening allergies
per my voicemail
I found this great policy written by your state DOE and wanted more information on how I can best get this implemented here in Delaware.
I have a 5 year old daughter that has Treen nut allergy (requires epi pen) and saw that the school does not have a comprehensive plan.
Here is the link to the policy I found:
I searched the Del DOE for such a policy and did not find, I have a call into their office as well
thanks and have a nice weekend
On Jun 28, 2012, at 7:59 PM > I would suggest sending her an email with an overview of your question. She is great to work with. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Brandon Jennin > Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 01:58 PM Eastern Standard Time > To: Wolfe Linda > Subject: RE: FFA Site wide Allergy plan template > > Hello > thanks Linda > Will she be calling me or should I give her a call > thanks again > Brandon > > > > From: > Wolfe Linda > To: > Brandon Jennings/A > Cc: > "Mi > Date: > 06/28/2012 11:48 AM > Subject: > RE: FFA Site wide Allergy plan template > > > > I have copied the Director for Exceptional Children. She can assist you > with questions on 504. > Linda > > -----Original Message----- > From: Brandon Jenni > Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10:18 AM Eastern Standard Time > To: W > Subject: FFA Site wide Allergy plan template > > Hello > Hope all is well > I just wanted to give you an update and had a question > - we spoke earlier this year on school wide plans > on 504 plans. > > If the school is not cooperative in developing a plan what is some > options > > When you get a moment > please advise > have a nice day > Brandon > > > > From: > > Brandon Jennings/A > Date: > 01/06/2012 12:23 PM > Subject: > RE: FFA Site wide Allergy plan template > > > > I appreciate your call and the follow-up. > > Linda > > > Health Services & > Director, School Support Services > Delaware Department of Education > 401 Federal Street, Suite #2 > Dover, DE 19901 > > Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 11:50 AM > T > Subject: Fw: FFA Site wide Allergy plan template > > > Hello > Just wanted to send the Allergy plan proposal I sent to the school > They did say they are working on it.(see below) > I also did not want to leave you with the impression that they did not > have anything at all in place. > Thanks again for your time > Brandon > --- > > > > To > Brandon Jennings/ > cc > Re: FFA Site wide Allergy plan template > > > > Good Morning Mr. Jennings, > Thank you for your assistance. I also mentioned to you that we have > individual appropriate plans in writing for students in our nurses office > as required by the state. > The nurses also provide training to staff. Thank you for your support and > > we will work toward a written school wide plan. > Thank you > > Family Foundations Academy Charter School > On Jan 4, 2012 11:26 PM, "Brandon Jennings" < >> wrote: > > Hello > Happy new year, > hope you all had a nice holiday. > > I spoke with and she mentioned the good work the staff have > > done to raise awareness of allergies. She mentioned nothing has been put > to paper. > I mentioned I found an example of a plan that you all can use as a > template. > > a)Here is that example plan that you all can review > > b)also, I found an article from today about the dangers of allergies > > > > > > If any help is needed in this effort, please advise > thanks > Brandon > >