Mrs O'Boyle,
I received the survey and wanted to follow up on the Agreement letter actions. It mentions various actions that was to be sent to the OCR for review. Can you send me those so I can review. Those items mentioned was:
policies and procedures for initial/continuing evaluations...
Notification to school, parents via some channel (website, newsletter...)
any other information that will be beneficial to me making decisions on future enrollment.
It also mentioned that the OCR will monitor, is that period done?
----- Forwarded by Brandon Jennings/AE/DuPont on 03/06/2013 02:32 PM -----
From:Brewington Tennell <>
To:Brandon Jennings/AE/DuPont@DuPont
Cc:"" <>, Moore Sean <>
Date:01/04/2013 01:59 PM
Subject:Re: Re-Enrollment Notification
Thank you for getting back to me Mr. Jennings.
We wish you the best.
Thank you
Dr. Tennell Brewington, Co-Director
Family Foundations Academy Charter School
On Jan 4, 2013, at 1:04 PM, "Brandon Jennings" <> wrote:
Dr. Brewington,
Hope you had a nice holiday season.
Thank you for the notification of re-enrollment for Baili and the plan to conduct a multidisciplinary meeting for a 504 plan if we accept.
However, at this time we do not plan to re-enroll her.
Thanks you and hope you have a nice New Year.
